कम्प्यूटर की शॉर्ट Keys (Hindi and english)

                              "{कम्प्यूटर की  शॉर्ट  कुंजी "

A PC alternate route keys work rapidly and make your work simple.

(एक पीसी वैकल्पिक मार्ग कुंजी तेजी से काम करती है और आपके काम को सरल बनाती है।)

Here is a rundown of generally utilized alternate route keys that can give a simpler and speedier strategy for utilizing PC programs:

(यहां आमतौर पर उपयोग किए जाने वाले वैकल्पिक मार्ग कुंजियों का एक समूह है जो पीसी कार्यक्रमों के उपयोग के लिए एक सरल और तेज रणनीति दे सकता है |)

Run down of essential PC alternate way keys:

आवश्यक पीसी वैकल्पिक तरीके से नीचे चलाएं:

Alt + F- - Record menu alternatives in the current program.

Alt + E- - Alters alternatives in the current program.

F1- - All inclusive assistance (for any kind of program).

Ctrl + A- - Chooses all text.

Ctrl + X- - Cuts the selected thing.

Ctrl + Del- - Cut selected thing.

Ctrl + C- - Duplicate the selected thing.

Ctrl + Ins- - Duplicate the selected thing.

Ctrl + V- - Glue the selected thing.

Shift + Ins - Glue the selected thing.

Home - Takes the client to the start of the current line.

Ctrl + Home- - Go to the start of the document.

End - Go as far as possible of the current line.

Ctrl + End - Go as far as possible of a document.

Shift + Home - Feature from current situation to start of the line.

Shift + End - Feature from current situation to stopping point.

Ctrl + (Left bolt) - Move each word to one side in turn.

Ctrl + (Right bolt) - Move each word to one side in turn.

Notice  :-Microsoft Windows easy route keys list 

Alt + Tab - Switch between open applications.

Alt + Shift + Tab - Switch in reverse between open applications.

Alt + Print Screen - Make screen capture for the current program.

Ctrl + Alt + Del - Reboot/Windows task chief.

Ctrl + Esc - Raise the beginning menu.

Alt + Esc - Switch between applications on the taskbar.

F2 - Rename selected symbol.

F3 - Start find from the work area.

F4 - Open the drive choice when perusing.

F5 - Revive substance.

Alt + F4 - Close current open program.

Ctrl + F4 - Close window in program.

Ctrl + In addition to Key- - Naturally alter widths of all sections in Windows Voyager.

Alt + Enter - Open properties window of selected symbol or program.

Shift + F10 - Mimic right-click on selected thing.

Shift + Del - Erase programs/documents for all time.

Holding Shift During Boot up - Boot experimental mode or sidestep framework documents.

Holding Shift During Boot up - When placing in a sound Compact disc, will keep Cd Player from playing.

Word easy route keys 

Ctrl + A - Select all substance of the page.

Ctrl + B - Striking featured determination.

Ctrl + C - Duplicate selected text.

Ctrl + X - Cut selected text.

Ctrl + N - Open new/clear document.

Ctrl + O - Open alternatives.

Ctrl + P - Open the print window.

Ctrl + F - Open discover box.

Ctrl + I - Emphasize featured determination.

Ctrl + K - Addition connect.

Ctrl + U - Underline featured determination.

Ctrl + V - Glue.

Ctrl + Y - Re-try the last activity performed.

Ctrl + Z - Fix last activity.

Ctrl + G - Find and supplant choices.

Ctrl + H - Find and supplant choices.

Ctrl + J - Legitimize passage arrangement.

Ctrl + L - Adjust selected text or line to one side.

Ctrl + Q - Adjust selected passage to one side.

Ctrl + E - Adjust selected text or line to the inside.

Ctrl + R - Adjust selected text or line to one side.

Ctrl + M - Indent the passage.

Ctrl + T - Hanging indent.

Ctrl + D - Text style choices.

Ctrl + Shift + F - Change the textual style.

Ctrl + Shift + > - Increment selected text style +1.

Ctrl + ] - Increment selected text style +1.

Ctrl + [ - Abatement selected textual style - 1.

Ctrl + Shift + * - View or stow away non printing characters.

Ctrl + (Left bolt) - Move single word to one side.

Ctrl + (Right bolt) - Move single word to one side.

Ctrl + (Up bolt) - Move to the start of the line or section.

Ctrl + (Down bolt) - Move as far as possible of the passage.

Ctrl + Del - Erase word to one side of the cursor.

Ctrl + Delete - Erase word to one side of the cursor.

Ctrl + End - Move cursor to end of the document.

Ctrl + Home - Move cursor to the start of the document.

Ctrl + Space - Reset featured text to default textual style.

Ctrl + 1 - Single-space lines.

Ctrl + 2 - Twofold space lines.

Ctrl + 5 - 1.5-line separating.

Ctrl + Alt + 1 Change text to heading 1.

Ctrl + Alt + 2 Change text to heading 2.

Ctrl + Alt + 3 Change text to heading 3.

F1 - Open assistance.

Shift + F3 - Change instance of selected text.

Shift + Supplement - Glue.

F4 - Rehash the last activity performed (Word 2000+).

F7 - Spell check selected text as well as document.

Shift + F7 - Initiate the thesaurus.

F12 - Spare as.

Ctrl + S - Spare.

Shift + F12 - Spare.

Alt + Shift + D - Supplement the current date.

Alt + Shift + T - Supplement the current time.

Ctrl + W - Close document.

Ad  :-Exceed expectations alternate route keys 

F2 - Alter the selected cell.

F5 - Go to a particular cell.

F7 - Spell check selected text as well as document.

F11 - Make outline

Ctrl + Shift + ; - Enter the current time.

Ctrl + ; - Enter the current date

Alt + Shift + F1 - Addition new worksheet.

Shift + F3 - Open the Exceed expectations recipe window.

Shift + F5 - Raise the hunt box

Ctrl + A - Select all substance of a worksheet.

Ctrl + B - Striking featured determination.

Ctrl + I - Emphasize featured determination.

Ctrl + C - Duplicate selected text.

Ctrl + V - Glue

Ctrl + D - Fill

Ctrl + K - Addition interface

Ctrl + F - Open find and supplant choices.

Ctrl + G - Open go-to choices.

Ctrl + H - Open find and supplant choices.

Ctrl + U - Underline featured determination.

Ctrl + Y - Underline selected text.

Ctrl + 5 - Strikethrough featured determination.

Ctrl + O - Open choices.

Ctrl + N - Open new document.

Ctrl + P - Open print discourse box.

Ctrl + S - Spare.

Ctrl + Z - Fix last activity.

Ctrl + F9 - Limit current window.

Ctrl + F10 - Augment currently selected window.

Ctrl + F6 - Switch between open exercise manuals/windows.

Ctrl + Page up and Page Down - Move between Exceed expectations worksheets in a similar document.

Ctrl + Tab - Move between at least two open Exceed expectations records

Alt + = - Make the equation to entirety the majority of the above cells.

Ctrl + - Supplement the estimation of above cell into the current cell.

Ctrl + Shift + ! - Format number in comma format.

Ctrl + Shift + $ - Format number in cash format.

Ctrl + Shift + # - Format number in date format.

Ctrl + Shift + % - Format number in rate format.

Ctrl + Shift + ^ - Format number in logical format.

Ctrl + Shift + @ - Format number in time format.

Ctrl + (Right bolt) - Move to next area of text.

Ctrl + Space - Select whole segment.

Shift + Space - Select whole column.

Ctrl + W - Close document.

Viewpoint alternate way keys 

Alt + S - Send the email.

Ctrl + C - Duplicate selected text.

Ctrl + X - Cut selected text.

Ctrl + P - Open print exchange box.

Ctrl + K - Complete name/email composed in address bar.

Ctrl + B - Striking featured determination.

Ctrl + I - Emphasize featured determination.

Ctrl + U - Underline featured choice.

Ctrl + R - Answer to an email.

Ctrl + F - Forward an email.

Ctrl + N - Make another email.

Ctrl + Shift + A - Make another arrangement to your schedule.

Ctrl + Shift + O - Open the outbox.

Ctrl + Shift + I - Open the inbox.

Ctrl + Shift + K - Include another errand.

Ctrl + Shift + C - Make another contact.

Ctrl + Shift+ J - Make another diary section.

Commercial :-

WINKEY easy routes:

WINKEY + D - Carry work area to the highest point of different windows.

WINKEY + M - Limit all windows.

WINKEY + SHIFT + M - Fix the limit done by WINKEY + M and WINKEY + D.

WINKEY + E - Open Microsoft Adventurer.

WINKEY + Tab - Push through open projects on the taskbar.

WINKEY + F - Show the Windows Search/Discover highlight.

WINKEY + CTRL + F - Show the quest for PCs window.

WINKEY + F1 - Show the Microsoft Windows help.

WINKEY + R - Open the run window.

WINKEY + Delay/Tear - Open the framework properties window.

WINKEY + U - Open utility director.

WINKEY + L - Lock the PC (Windows XP and later).

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