A computer keyboard is one of the primary input devices used with a computer (PC).
Some keyboard types: 101-key with Nepali, RGB, Apple Enchantment, Left-gave one-hand, Kinesis Free-form Ergonomic, on-screen.
A PC keyboard is one of the essential information gadgets utilized with a PC. Like an electric , a keyboard is made out of catches that make letters, numbers, and images, just as perform different capacities. The accompanying segments give more top to bottom data and answers to a portion of the more much of the time posed inquiries about the keyboard.
Keyboard diagram :-



The accompanying picture shows a 104-key Saitek keyboard with bolts indicating each area, including the control keys, work keys, Drove pointers, wrist cushion, bolt keys, and keypad.
PC keyboard diagram :-

The following is a nearby picture of a QWERTY PC keyboard with every one of the keys selectable. You may drift your mouse cursor over any of the keys to see a portrayal. Clicking any of the keys opens another page with full subtleties.
Today, most PC keyboards interface with the PC utilizing either USB or Bluetooth for remote correspondence. Before USB, a PC may have utilized PS/2, sequential port, or AT (Din5) as a keyboard interface.
Sorts of keyboards :-
Today, most keyboards are like one another, yet might be missing at least one of the areas referenced before (e.g., the keypad). Where keyboards start to vary the most is with their developments. A few keyboards are mechanical, while others use layer keys. A few keyboards are divided into equal parts and others even overlay down the middle or move up. While most keyboards utilize the QWERTY format, there are still individuals who utilize the DVORAK design.
Laptop keyboards :-
A laptop keyboard is organized uniquely in contrast to a work area keyboard to oblige the laptop's smaller impression. Most laptop keyboards are made littler by putting the keys nearer and by including a Fn key. The Fn key is utilized related to different keys to perform uncommon capacities. For instance, squeezing the Fn key and the up or down bolt on the keyboard demonstrated as follows, increments and diminishes the splendor of the screen. Besides, numerous laptop keyboards exclude the numeric keypad to spare space.

The present cell phones and tablets don't accompany a physical keyboard, despite the fact that it might be bought as a discretionary fringe add-on. These gadgets use a thumb keyboard or on-screen keyboard to type messages and enter content into different fields. The picture is a case of the Apple iPhone on-screen keyboard, utilized on all Apple contact based gadgets.
A computer keyboard is one of the primary input devices used with a computer (PC).
Some keyboard types: 101-key with Nepali, RGB, Apple Enchantment, Left-gave one-hand, Kinesis Free-form Ergonomic, on-screen.
A PC keyboard is one of the essential information gadgets utilized with a PC. Like an electric , a keyboard is made out of catches that make letters, numbers, and images, just as perform different capacities. The accompanying segments give more top to bottom data and answers to a portion of the more much of the time posed inquiries about the keyboard.
Modern computer keyboards were modeled after, and are still very similar to, classic typewriter keyboards. Many different keyboard layouts are available around the world (like Dvorak and JCUKEN) but most keyboards are of the QWERTY type.
Most keyboards have numbers, letters, symbols, arrow keys, etc., but some also have a numeric keypad, additional functions like volume control, buttons to power down or sleep the device or even a built-in trackball mouse that's intended to provide an easy way to use both the keyboard and the mouse without having to lift your hand off the keyboard.
1. Multimedia Keyboard.
2. Mechanical keyboard.
3. Wireless Keyboard.
4. Virtual Keyboard.
7. QWERTY Keyboard.
8. Gaming Keyboard.
Keyboard diagram :-


The accompanying picture shows a 104-key Saitek keyboard with bolts indicating each area, including the control keys, work keys, Drove pointers, wrist cushion, bolt keys, and keypad.
PC keyboard diagram :-

The following is a nearby picture of a QWERTY PC keyboard with every one of the keys selectable. You may drift your mouse cursor over any of the keys to see a portrayal. Clicking any of the keys opens another page with full subtleties.
The original PC keyboard with 84 keys, the AT keyboard also with 84 keys and the enhanced keyboard with 101 keys.
Today, most PC keyboards interface with the PC utilizing either USB or Bluetooth for remote correspondence. Before USB, a PC may have utilized PS/2, sequential port, or AT (Din5) as a keyboard interface.
Sorts of keyboards :-
Today, most keyboards are like one another, yet might be missing at least one of the areas referenced before (e.g., the keypad). Where keyboards start to vary the most is with their developments. A few keyboards are mechanical, while others use layer keys. A few keyboards are divided into equal parts and others even overlay down the middle or move up. While most keyboards utilize the QWERTY format, there are still individuals who utilize the DVORAK design.
Laptop keyboards :-
A laptop keyboard is organized uniquely in contrast to a work area keyboard to oblige the laptop's smaller impression. Most laptop keyboards are made littler by putting the keys nearer and by including a Fn key. The Fn key is utilized related to different keys to perform uncommon capacities. For instance, squeezing the Fn key and the up or down bolt on the keyboard demonstrated as follows, increments and diminishes the splendor of the screen. Besides, numerous laptop keyboards exclude the numeric keypad to spare space.
The present cell phones and tablets don't accompany a physical keyboard, despite the fact that it might be bought as a discretionary fringe add-on. These gadgets use a thumb keyboard or on-screen keyboard to type messages and enter content into different fields. The picture is a case of the Apple iPhone on-screen keyboard, utilized on all Apple contact based gadgets.
Key/symbol Explanation
Windows PC keyboards have a Windows key that looks
like a four-pane, wavy window.
Command Apple Mac computers have a command key.
Menu PC keyboards also have a Menu key tha
looks like a cursor pointing to a menu.
Esc Esc (escape) key.
F1 - F12 Information about the F1 through F12 keyboard keys.
F13 - F24 Information about the F13 through F24 keyboard keys.
Tab Tab key.
Caps lock Caps lock key.
Shift Shift key.
Ctrl Control key.
Fn Function key.
Alt Alternate key (PC only; Mac users have an Option key).
Spacebar Spacebar key.
Arrows Up, down, left, right Arrow keys.
Back Space Back space (or Backspace) key.
Delete Delete or Del key.
Enter Enter key.
Prt Scrn Print screen key.
Scroll Lock Scroll Lock key.
Pause Pause key.
Break Break key.
Insert Insert key.
Home Home key.
Page up Page up or pg up key.
Page down Page down or pg dn key.
End End key.
Num Lock Num Lock key.
~ Tilde.
` Acute, back quote, grave, grave accent
left quote, open quote, or a push.
! Exclamation mark, exclamation point, or bang.
@ Ampersat, arobase, asperand, at, or at symbol.
# Octothorpe, number, pound, sharp, or hash.
£ Pound Sterling or Pound symbol.
€ Euro.
$ Dollar sign or generic currency.
¢ Cent sign.
¥ Chinese/Japenese Yuan.
§ Micro or section.
% Percent.
° Degree.
^ Caret or circumflex.
& Ampersand, epershand, or and symbol.
* Asterisk, mathematical multiplication symbol,
and sometimes referred to as star.
( Open or left parenthesis.
) Close or right parenthesis.
- Hyphen, minus, or dash.
_ Underscore.
+ Plus.
= Equal.
{ Open brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket.
} Close brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket.
[ Open bracket.
] Closed bracket.
| Pipe, or, or vertical bar.
\ Backslash or reverse solidus.
/ Forward slash, solidus, virgule, whack
and mathematical division symbol.
: Colon.
; Semicolon.
" Quote, quotation mark, or inverted commas.
' Apostrophe or single quote.
< Less than or angle brackets.
> Greater than or angle brackets.
, Comma.
. Period, dot or full stop.
? Question mark.
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